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Rachel Yona Shalev
Mar 13, 20183 min read
Who is a Hatha Yogi?
What is Hatha Yoga and Who is a Hatha Yogi? Hatha Yoga, in my understanding is a path leading to higher consciousness through an in...
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Rachel Yona Shalev
Jun 27, 20172 min read
Yoga, Receptivity and Reactivity in our Bodies.
The process of "dropping" and deeply relaxing the body makes it possible for our mind to "drop". Our thoughts slow down
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Rachel Yona Shalev
May 25, 20174 min read
On Breath, Yogic Breathing and the Rosen Method
The quality of our breath reflects our life force, vitality, and emotional/physical well being. Breath which is shallow, superficial, short,
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